Monday, April 4, 2011

way to go kinley!

wow...what a day! kinley went back to school after being on spring break last week and then we headed straight to childrens for her speech therapy. it made for a busy day for kinley! therapy went okay. i knew it was going to be difficult, but i guess i didn't really grasp how hard it was going to be. i am hopeful that with time we will get into a routine and hopefully kinley will enjoy it more. right now she is just frustrated that the words are not coming out and she just resists. mary lou our therapist is amazing and was great at working with kinley and keeping her interested. for only being 3 years old and having been at school all morning and then going right to speech she really did amazing!

we started the session making kinley's "functional word book" i brought pictures of some people we wanted kinley to learn to say. so we had a picture of daddy, mommy, kya , kinley, wilson, gaga and papa. we have more pictures to put in but today we just started with these. mary lou then did some color coding in the letters below the words and added pictures about each letter helping kinley to know lip placement, voice on or off ,& breath on or off. it is great to learn the concepts behind it all. we then worked on some more articulation testing and then moved on to the "sound of the week notecards". this week we are working on the sound "h", so we made 5 notecards with pictures for kinley to work on. marylou also worked with me on how to help kinley with her tongue to make the sounds "k" and "g". kinley is having trouble keeping her tongue down. it was amazing how just helping kinley with her tongue and she was able to say those sounds! it was such a blessing hearing kinley say "k" for the first time ever!

the lows of therapy is mary lou confirmed that kinley's apraxia is severe... but she also said she sees so many things promising about kinley that will help her. she said her personality , her spirit, and her intelligence is going to help alot! she said we have a very long road ahead but to keep positive! we got home and we probably worked for another couple hrs on and off on kinley's book and her notecards. there were moments i think we both just wanted to throw it out and run! i had moments i had tears of sadness watching my baby struggle so much, moments of joy, moments of frustration, moments of being scared, moments of surprise, moments of defeat and in the end we fought hard and it was a WIN!!!

here is a peak from some of our HARD WORK TODAY!! i am so proud of kinley and how hard she is working! way to go kinley !


Anonymous said...

This GaGa is dancing on clouds!!! Watch out for the rain because tears of joy are falling! I know this is going to be a long hard road but it is amazing to see Kinley's success today! Brooke you are doing a great job! I know it feels exhausting and hard at times,,,,I will be praying for strength for you as you work, work work everyday!
Love you!

elizabeth said...

One step at a time! She and you can do it with Christ's strengthening you! :) I am so glad you have such great help as you work on Kinley's speech!

Kristi K said...

oh my goodness. i don't know what it is but hearing her talk makes me cry - and i don't even know what she sounded like before. she is precious. you are doing great brooke. thank you for sharing this with us!! love from vancouver - kristi

Clark Family said...

That's the best!!! I am so proud of you sweet friend and blessed by the amazing things that the Lord is bringing you and your heart through in this season. Thanks so much for posting updates on your days together.
Love ya to pieces! :)

Unknown said...

HUGE SMILE on my face!