Friday, April 4, 2008

school day

ahhhh. .... a nice and quiet house.! kya is at preschool today :) don't get me wrong i love my crazy days with her, but a morning alone with kinley is awesome too! kya started going to preschool last month just on fridays so that i could get some alone time with kinley. she totally loves it and gets giddy when i pull her backpack out on friday mornings. today she is even staying for lunch, which is a new thing. i had to pack her lunch last night and it felt so weird that my baby girl was old enough to have lunch at school! she was so proud carrying her tinkerbell lunch box in this morning! well now it is just kinley and mama...we are going to clean, drink some coffee, watch the today show... maybe even go for a walk :)

1 comment:

tim and kristi said...

i love it that you have a blog. i was just thinking the other day that it would be great if you had one. you are so great at posting pictures everywhere else. hopefully it is fun for you. now all we have to do is convince sonya to have one. :)
love, k